
How to slay a dragon like Beowulf

Friday, September 5, 2014

Moving at Epic speed

Welcome, Heroes, to a new school year, and a fresh start in what I hope you will count among your excellent learning experiences. British literature subject that has depth and breadth that may not easily be found elsewhere. During this first quarter of the 2014-15 academic year, we can expect to examine the roots of British writing, with Beowulf, The Canterbury Tales, and Arthurian legends, while comparing to heroes that may be familiar from Greece.

Our course is not only going to focus on reading, however. We do have quite a bit of speaking, writing, and basic skills to master. We'll be working on vocabulary-building and developing a better awareness of grammar - with its correct application - and keep our eyes on pressing concerns of upperclassmen, including college applications and testing.

A certain place must be kept up in our reading. In fact, once our routines are settled, we can expect to mix things up with both reading groups, otherwise known as "literature circles," and spoken group work that will likely focus on debate. A lot is coming, and I'll update this post later on content.

For now, I would like to share the planned readings for the first quarter, classes for which basically end on Wednesday, October 8th. October 9th will be off for students and the 10th is a national holiday. Starting the following week, on Monday, October 13th, we have the quarterly exams for the first quarter. So we'll need to keep in mind early on that exams will start after a long weekend.

Q1 Assignments (from Collections 1 & 2)
HW1 Beowulf Part 1 – p. 42 – 2, 4, 6, 7, 8; due 9/2  
HW2 Beowulf Part 2 – p. 50 – 5, 6, 7, 8; due 9/4 TEST (combined)
HW3 Canterbury Tales 1: Prologue – p. 165 – 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; due 9/11 TEST
HW4 Canterbury Tales 2: The Pardoner’s Tale – p. 176 7, 8, 9, 10, 11; due 9/19  
HW5 Canterbury Tales 3: Wife of Bath – p. 188 (6-7, 10-13) due 9/25 TEST
HW6 Iliad – p. 79 – 4, 6, 7, 9, due 9/30 TEST
HW7 Day of Destiny from Le Morte D’Arthur (King Arthur) – p . 223 – 3, 4, 7 (writing extra) 10/3 TEST
HW8 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight – p. 237 – 2, 3, 4, 5 (extra credit) 10/7 

Before parent conferences, which happen from September 15-19, we will also complete revisions of a Persuasive writing essay and do a graded autobiographical speaking task. During that week, students will have a half-day schedule for classes. I do recommend planning to use some of that time for upcoming reading. If you preview scheduled readings and have questions prepared, then we'll be able to help you more effectively and efficiently, and your learning results, not to mention grades, should be better. 

The middle of the first quarter is September 12, but we hope no one will require notices to parents that your average is below 70%. If you find yourself in that range, I urge you to schedule one day a week with me at 3:45 to have your questions answered about homework & assessments, until your grade is in the B range. Upperclassmen should set a reasonable goal for themselves, in my opinion, of attaining at least a B in their junior and senior year English courses. Only then can you go about your business for your other classes - if not, then you need to work on your English so that success all across your courses is ensured. Please feel welcome to see me - I want to offer encouragement, direction, and proper instruction and your success is my first priority.

The assignments for all four quarters have already been mapped out - we have an exciting lineup of wonderful authors! If you feel me pushing you fast, it is not only because I know you can do it, but because simple put, if we go too slowly we will not be able to read some of the really great writings and authors in British and Western literature. If we do the plan above, and proceed with about an average of 15 readings per quarter after this, we will have an admirable preparation for any college English or Literature course. We do not need to have tests on every selection, and the suggested exercises need not always be graded, but to "pass" on reading them would be a "fail" for your experience in reading & life. When you see what's coming, you'll not fail to get enthusiastic, and devote a little more of your time & effort to British Literature this year.